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·  C1 运用核心课程基础知识的能力(稳固的基础)
         Capacity of applying the core knowledge of finance, insurance and management (Strong knowledge

·  C2 扩展风险管理与保险实质面、财务面与人文面领域的视角 (宽广的视野)
         Holistic risk management and insurance scope, including physical, financial and humanity dimensions
         (Broad view)

·  C3 运用资讯系统分析问题的能力(分析问题的能力)
         Capacity of operating computer software and analyzing data effectively (Analysis)

·  C4 解决风险管理与保险问题的能力(解决问题的能力)
         Capacity of solving issues related to risk management and insurance (Finding solutions)

·  C5 强化团队合作的能力(合作的能力)
         Enhancing the capacity of team work (Team cooperation)

·  C6 分析国际风险管理与保险资讯的能力(世界观)
         Analysis of international risk management and insurance information (Global worldview)


·  Ca 整合核心理论知识的能力(深厚的基础)
         Integrate the core knowledge of risk management and insurance (Deep knowledge

·  Cb 扩展风险管理与保险实质面、财务面与人文面领域的知识(宽广的视野)
         Broaden the knowledge of holistic risk management and insurance, including physical, financial and
         humanity dimensions (Broad view)

·  Cc 运用资讯系统分析风险与保险问题的能力(分析问题的能力)
         Capacity of programming computer software and analyzing risk and insurance data (Data analysis)

·  Cd 规划风险管理系统与保险经营体系的能力(规划的能力)
         Capacity of programming and solving issues related to risk management systems and insurance
         operation systems (Programming and operations)

·  Ce 风险沟通与团队合作的能力(沟通与合作的能力)
         Capacity of risk communication and team work (Communication and cooperation)

·  Cf 规划与运用国际风险管理与保险资讯的能力(世界观)
         Programming and application of international risk management and insurance information (Global


·  CA 整合核心理论与实务的能力(深厚的基础)
         Integrate core theory and practice in risk management and insurance (Deep knowledge base)

·  CB 扩展风险管理与保险实质面、财务面与人文面领域的知识(广的视野)
         Broaden knowledge of holistic risk management and insurance, including physical, financial and
         humanity dimensions (Broad view)

·  CC 运用资讯系统分析风险与保险问题的能力(分析问题的能力)
         Capacity of programming computer software and analyzing risk and insurance data (Data analysis)

·  CD 规划风险管理系统与保险经营体系的能力(规划的能力)
         Capacity of programming and solving issues related to risk management systems and insurance
         operation systems (Programming and operation)

·  CE 风险沟通与团队合作的能力(沟通与合作的能力)
         Capacity of risk communication and team work (Communication and cooperation)

·  CF 规划与运用国际风险管理与保险资讯的能力(世界观)
         Programming and application of international risk management and insurance information (Global
